Thursday, November 4, 2010

Should William and Kate really tie the knot?

Last year, the rumor was that Kate Middleton and Prince William were going to announce an engagement for William's 28th birthday. I laughed. Now it's really really really going to happen this time for 2011: Kate and William to Marry in 2011.

My prediction? Kate and William will break-up.

Updating on my first three predictions: I can't believe how eerily accurate I was about Sandra Bullock and the kids thing. I said that Tiger and Elin would get divorced by the end of this summer. They did exactly that. I can't exactly brag about these two predictions, because they were exactly the kind of predictions that any idiot with an ounce of common sense could have made! But that was what the astrology was also saying would happen.

A lot of times, astrology and common sense line up. Sometimes they don't, as in the case Prince William and Kate Middleton. I have been predicting a break-up ever since they first publicly came out as a couple. I know they did very briefly break up in April of 2007. That was just a taste of things to come. I think 2011, particularly the latter half, will be when they finally break up. In the unlikely event they do get engaged or get married, I think it will fall apart in a very upsetting way. This is my "big" prediction because it's one that goes against common sense and popular opinion, etc etc. Seriously, if you just do a quick Google search with one of their names, you will see dozens, perhaps hundreds, of news articles written about their impending engagement. This has been going on for 5+ years. I really hope that Kate Middleton has a back-up plan for her life.

In addition to three heartbreak transits (so 6 total between the both of them), they both have their Saturn Returns in Libra coming up in late 2011 and 2012. That's make it or break it time. I could even envision something happening where there is a formal engagement announcement in 2011, and then it is broken off in 2012. Kate has seemingly spent her twenties molding her life around her boyfriend, and William has seemingly spent his twenties postponing his official royal duties and postponing an engagement/marriage decision. It's slightly worrisome, is it not?

From the position of an outsider who knows nothing about them, I must say that they seem like two very nice people and they seem like a perfect couple. They both seem very happy together when out in public, they both appear to be very bright, mature, down-to-earth people, they enjoy the same activities, athletics, and so on. But are they really, really being true to themselves with this relationship? That is what Saturn will be asking them over the next 1.5-2 years.

I won't pretend I know the inner workings of their relationship or their psyches, which is what every damn tabloid has been doing these past 5 years with this engagement hysteria. I only report on what I see in the stars: heartbreak.

Remember that the tarot card associated with Saturn in Libra is the Three of Swords:

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